Thursday, January 24, 2008

Tonight meant, amongst other exercises, pushups while wearing a 50 pound vest.
I feel as though I've earned the right to go to bed.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Seven Exercises for Martial Training

1. Experience cold, heat and rain by climbing high mountains and crossing deep valleys.

2. Rest in open fields and sleep in mountains.

3. Never carry money or food on your person; never wear warm clothing.

4. Travel everywhere by engaging in contests.

5. Reside in graveyards, haunted houses, or among savage beasts.

6. Associate with dangerous criminals

7. Live off the earth among peasants.

Bukyo Godan Ryu

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

David Hinton's Lao Tzu

from 15:

perfectly cautious, as if crossing winter streams,
and perfectly watchful, as if neighbors threatened;
perfectly reserved, as if guests,
perfectly expansive, as if ice melting away,
and perfectly simple, as if uncarved wood;
perfectly empty, as if open valleys,
and perfectly shadowy, as if murky water.

-Tao Te Ching, David Hinton trans., p.17

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Incredible training of Wanderlei Silva in preparation for his fight against Chuck Liddell:


Well Happy New Year everybody.

There have been dozens of brilliant quotations that I have wanted to share but I guess I've been lazy.

Anyways, here are my simple, pared down goals for 2008:

-be an awesome dad

-don't drive Tara to drink

-train consistently as a runner and perform to a 17:05 5k and 35:00 10k

-hit the dojo as frequently as possible and make the time for some daily kobudo training.

-keep developing myself as a coach and do good worth with my little stable of athletes.

Have a memorable and amazing year friends and strangers!