Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Kind of light on the training today as I ripped the skin on the bottom of both of my big toes (recurring problem back when I did judo). I skipped going to the dojo tonight so that they will heal faster. Normally I might have gone just to observe but my instructor is injured. Anyways these toes have ruled out running for now too, even push-ups.

So.... instead it was

A.M. 15 minutes bojutsu tandoku renshu (solo practice)
100 crunches

P.M. 30 minutes hade kempo tandoku renshu
100 crunches

Nothing strenuous at all, but it is challenging to repeat a very small repertoire of kata over and over again. This, of course, is how one acquires skill, has things sink into their bones, or what have you.

The evenings, even the days, are becoming noticeably cooler. And there is a skunk which appears to be living below my doorstep.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Chinatown, Vancouver

August 11 2006

Completed a tiny volume of Burton Watson stories (essays really) today, entitled The Rainbow Road, or something approximating that. Charming, personal, revealing to a point. Gary Snyder not only provided a jacket review but I was surprised to learn that they were acquainted.

I am now sitting in the Sun Yat-sen garden and there is a quite large orange and white koi approaching me and now passing. Walking through Vancouver's Chinatown on my way to the garden I am as usual aware of my ownfeeling of incongruity with what is one of my favourite neighbourhoods of my new city. Really I haven't even been able to comprehend but a fraction of what goes on around me here. I find the garden quite peaceful; I can relax into the place and sometimes I am even able to harmonize with the large numbers of tourists who frequent it. Mostly I try to ignore them. I am more interested in the frogs and the plants. This garden is one of the places of solace or sanity for me here.

This is becoming a year of gardens to me.