Thursday, April 19, 2007

It sucks that google took over

Now that I've got that out of the way, I found the following on one of the forums that I frequent and wanted to pass it on to those of my visitors that may be self-defence/combatives oriented:

- Aim small, miss small

- Strike the first thing that moves

- Don’t use violence to solve social situations

- Understand the difference between life or death
confrontations and social violence

- Always focus on striking targets

- Principle based systems are superior to technique based systems

- Never quit until the other guy is non-functional

- Always assume multiple persons in a violent confrontation

- Close distance - step through the other guy
- Always strike never block

- Have a first strike mentality – don’t hesitate

- Become a sociopath in a life or death confrontation – maim, cripple or kill

- Use kinetic versus static force

- Always have a center line focus – don’t look at the face, it will deceive you

- To be in cause state you must continually cause effects in the other guy(s)

- Never get in the middle of a group in a multi person violent confrontation – choose a side

- Your only weapon is your brain everything else is a tool

- In violence never focus on the other guys tools (gun, knife, or club) focus on taking out his weapon (brain) – simply taking away the tools and leaving the other guy functional may cost you your life.

- Walk away from ego based confrontations – there is no threat

- If you can use social skills to avoid violence do so, but if it is asocial then there is only one option – violence

- You do what you train - make sure you train for the real world

- Occasionally take away dominate side during training – it’ll make you a more complete fighter

- Become a 360 degree fighter NOT a ‘one quadrant’ fighter

- Give good reactions to your partner

- Don’t try to ‘teach someone a lesson or you may get schooled’

- Always ask yourself “what is available to me” NOT “what is being done to me?”

- Violence is not give and take – it should be over in 3-5 seconds

- Speed does NOT equal power

- There are no rules in violence – remove any such boundaries or you will suffer the consequences

- Be brilliant at the basics (do your leg dynamics)

- Don’t ever posture with violence

- Feign weakness to gain an unfair advantage

- Don’t mimic your opponent – do the unexpected

- 2 inches of penetration is better than 20 slashes with a knife

- Never square off with the other guy – strike when he isn’t aware or doesn’t expect it